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Chico Palio



Chico Palio

Chico Palio is the kickoff event for Artoberfest. The event is community based,  with “palio” referring to the Italian word of competition between neighbors. Instead of racing real horses like in the Palio di Siena in Italy, community members create and race horse sculptures made of papier-mache, recycled materials and more. It's a time for arts, culture and nonprofit organizations to come together to celebrate community and let people know what they do and how they serve our local citizenry.


Chico Palio has been held in Chico's Downtown Plaza for the past seven years but will move to its NEW location at One-Mile and Sycamore Field in 2012. The day's events include music, dance, art exhibits, food, activities and information about upcoming Artoberfest events.

Chico Palio’s goals include:

  1. To support safe, creative opportunities for youth
  2. To foster attractive and livable neighborhoods and communities
  3. To provide greater access to the arts for individuals, families and communities
  4. To encourage economic and community development

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