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City of Chico
411 Main St. P.O. Box 3420
Chico, CA 95927
(530) 896-7200
Ann Schwab, Mayor
Jim Walker, Vice Mayor
David Burkland, City Manager
Quality of Life
Rated #1 Bike-Friendly Community
Cal State University, Chico and Butte College, plus Northern California School of Law
Expansion Management's Blue Ribbon Award for Unified School District
Money Magazine ranks with High Marks
Bidwell Park 3,600 acres
"Top 5 Cities for Business" California Business
"Best Places to Retire" Kiplinger's Magazine
Business Parks
Diamond Match (future)
Skycreek Park & Airport Industrial Park
Hegan Lane Business Park
iHub Innovation Lab
Meriam Park (future)
Redevelopment Agency
Foreign Trade Zone
Subsidized Training
Tax Credits
Recycling Market Development Zone
Chico City Plaza
Licensing and Permitting
For broader information about city, county, and state regulations see Permitting.
Newly Adopted Economic Vision
Chico is the haven for innovation and entrepreneurship in the North State. As a university community Chico brings together the educational entities, the City and community resources to assist entrepreneurs and businesses to invest in Chico and create career pathways that yield a quality of life that includes economic prosperity. Chico is a magnet to individuals seeking an environment where you can live and work while enjoying unparalleled access to outdoor recreation and the social spirit of a vibrant community.
Unanimously Endorsed Economic Strategy
Description: The City council unanimously approved the City’s 10 point economic strategy to create the conditions in Chico that foster investment to occur within the community.
Inventory of Vacant Land for Business Use
A primary role for the City in the economy is to ensure the readiness of physical conditions for investment to occur in Chico. One aspect of readiness is the availability of vacant land. The City has created an inventory of vacant land in Chico as well as an assessment of regulatory readiness to develop the land.
Early and Free Project Review Assistance
The City offers a free service in which businesses and builders may have their projects reviewed and guidance given by various City officials (Building, Planning, Fire, Engineering, Economic Development, etc.) to assist the project through the regulatory process.
Redevelopment Agency
Chico has a Redevelopment Agency that is very active in utilizing public investment to spur investment that would otherwise not occur to eliminate blight and stimulate the economy.
Commercial Façade Improvement Loan Program
This program is intended to help rehabilitate, upgrade and generally improve the appearance of commercial building facades within the redevelopment area.
Priority Industrial Permitting
City Policy allows for prioritizing industrial permit processing that generate new and/or expanded job opportunities.
Recycling Market Development Zone
Chico has one of 33 zones in the State in which the California Integrated Waste Management Board encourages the diversion of waste from landfills by offering economic incentives to recycling based businesses or businesses that use recycled materials located in the zone.
FAA Certified Municipal Airport
Chico’s airport has a 24 hour control tower, 6700′ runway, and a 54 acre apron. Flight line access is available for aviation-related businesses located in the Airport Industrial Park.
Foreign Trade Zone
Chico has a Foreign Trade Zone in the Airport Industrial Park vicinity that provides various benefits to export/import businesses.