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City of Oroville
1735 Montgomery Street
Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 538-2401
Linda Dahlmeier, Mayor
Thil Wilcox, Vice Mayor
2000- 13,004
2010- 14,687
Quality of Life
Close shopping and lower property prices than other Butte County areas.
Largest earthen dam in the US (Oroville Dam).
Lake Oroville recreation
Lake Oroville Visitor Center with Maidu culture exhibit
Historic Downtown
Feather River
Feather Falls
Table Mountain
Salmon Festival
Feather River Fish Hatchery
Chinese Temple
Antique Bolt Museum
Oroville Retail
Licensing and Permitting
Business license and occupancy permit applications are handled by the Building Department. For online instructions go to www.cityoforoville.org/businesslicense.html or contact the Community Development office at (530) 538-2408. For broader information about city, county, and state regulations see Permitting.
Enterprise Zone (EZ) State Tax Credits
Enterprise Zones are state-designated economic development areas created to stimulate growth, create jobs and stimulate investments in local communities. The Oroville Enterprise Zone, encompassing Oroville Airport, Oroville industrial areas, and downtown, provides five California State tax related incentives, approved through the year 2021:
- Hiring Tax Credit
- Sales and Use Tax Credit
- Business Expense Deduction for Business Property
- Net Operating Loss Carryover Deduction
- Net Interest Deduction for Lenders
Additional Information:
- Locating in the Oroville Enterprise Zone: City of Oroville Economic Development, (530) 538-4307.
- Technical EZ tax questions: Franchise Tax Board EZ Hotline, (916) 845-3464.
- Vouchering: Private Industry Council, (530) 538-6334
Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ)
Businesses manufacturing goods made from recycled materials such as wood, plastic, tire scrap, construction debris, and paper waste may be eligible for business incentives through the Oroville Recycling Market Development Zone. The RMDZ encompasses the Oroville Airport, Oroville industrial areas, and downtown. Incentives include:
- Business loans
- Free technical assistance
- Product exposure opportunities through RecycleStore.com
Additional information: www.ciwmb.ca.gov/RMDZ/ZoneContacts.asp or call (530) 538-4307.
Enterprise and Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
The City of Oroville’s Enterprise and Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) are targeted to businesses and projects that have the greatest potential for long-term job creation and/or retention, particularly jobs created and/or retained to benefit target income group households. Maximum loan amount is $250,000. Funds can be used for:
- Working capital
- Inventory purchase
- Equipment acquisition
- Real property acquisition
- Furniture and fixtures
To apply, call (530) 538-4307.
Microenterprise Business Loan Program
The microenterprise revolving loan program provides for the capital needs of businesses that have 5 or fewer employees, of which one or more is the owner and will create and or retain jobs and increase the community’s tax base. Loans range from $5,000 to $15,000.
To apply, call (530) 538-4307.
Industrial Development Bond (IDB) Assistance
Financing is available from the California Enterprise Development Authority to grow manufacturing businesses. Industrial development bonds can provide:
• Expansion capital for land, building, or equipment;
• loan-term loans with no prepayment penalty;
• 10% to 20% down payment, which preserves cash to promote business growth;
• Interest rates that are 20-30% below standard commercial lending rates.
Additional information: www.caled.org/edfinancing or call (530) 538-4307.
Targeted Employment Area (TEA)
Tax credits are available to businesses hiring residents who reside in Oroville’s Targeted Employment Area (TEA). A TEA comprises census tracts with at least 51% of the households at low- or moderate-income levels. Residents of the targeted area do not need to be income screened to qualify. They only need to prove they reside in the TEA. The Oroville TEA comprises census tracts 25, 28, 29, 30, 32 and 33. For more information, call (530) 538-4307
Business Technical Assistance (BTA)
The City of Oroville works with a team of professional consultants who can evaluate your business needs, develop a personalized work plan for your business and provide hands-on services including:
- Develop marketing strategies
- Research financing options
- Accounting (excluding tax advise)
- Website development
- Human resources
- Strategic planning
- Company structuring
- Partnering
To receive an application package and find out about eligibility requirements, contact the Tri-County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC) at (530) 893-8732 or at amy@tricountyedc.org.
Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone
HUBZones provide federal contract preferences to qualified small businesses, including:
- Set-asides
- Sole source awards
- Price evaluation preferences
- Subcontracting opportunities
In general, the company must be an SBA-defined small business located in the HUBZone, with at least 35% of the employees also residing in the zone. There are exceptions for tribally-owned concerns.
For more information, call (530) 538-4307.